mickey mouse

mickey mouse

Thursday, 27 March 2014

You Can Kiss My Tutu'd Ass

So if you know me, you know I'm not the 'live and let live' type.
I'm sort of the opposite, more of the 'attack first and ask questions later' type, the one you want in your corner when the rubber hits the road, or you want someone to be all indignant and stuff.

Then I read that Self Magazine's editor picked on this woman and her friend (Tara and Monica) who ran a marathon in tutus

I'm the first in a silly hat, a costume, earrings, makeup, whatever. Is there a theme? Can we MAKE it a theme? So I read some more and discovered that one of the women (Monika) was in chemo for BRAIN CANCER and they ran as superheroes in tutus. They ran a MARATHON, let's remember that.....42.2k while one of them was in CHEMO for BRAIN CANCER. Sit with that for a moment.

Now, for starters, I don't really care WHAT you wear when you race as long as you're not being a big, road hogging, dangerous, messy, sloppy disaster. I don't care if you wear the race shirt on the day of the race, I don't care if you wear a skirt, a skort, a miner's helmet, dress in drag and do the hula.

I hate those loud beeping pedometer things because unless you're keeping cadence for the ENTIRE group of us we don't need to hear the freaking thing for 21.1k. I hate groups who walk 6 abreast, chatting like they're in the mall, oblivious to the fact that someone might be RUNNING (or heaven forbid WALKING) faster behind them and perhaps passing them. I hate snot rockets when you don't look to see who's behind you, abrupt walk breaks without looking around, taking selfies on the course,  people who ghost races and brag about it.

Costumes don't bug me.........matter of fact.......
I've run Breast Cancer 5ks in my Cinderella dress (from when I used to work for Disney). Doesn't breathe well at all, let me tell you....don't run more than 5k in it :-)

Speaking of not breathing, a Santa suit? Yeah, the fluffy beard? Right up your nose, snotting white gunk for 5k with a few hundred of your identically dressed buddies....good times. I won't ever do it again, it was a neat 'once' thing...
 I ran the Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon (which had wine in the swag bag, hence the 'drunk at the Start Wine' pose here) in one of my many Sparkle Skirts.   

Here's a disgusting photo of me before my first Marathon posing running from a bowl of pasta. In retrospect, I don't think it looks like pasta.....ewww
This is me at Disney World when

we ran the Goofy Challenge, a Half Marathon on Saturday and a Full Marathon on Sunday, or as I like to call it, TWO excuses to dress in funny outfits!

The first time I ran Disney I dressed as Sorcerer Mickey and did 21.1k in the Parks rocking ears, a hat, a robe AND white gloves.

We ran the Army Run (Half Marathon) in Ottawa Ontario in matching Canadian Sparkle Skirts, the Barrie Waterfront Half Marathon in THESE Sparkle Skirts and I look forward to many more chances to suit up and show off my flair.
So to Self Magazine, who said that tutus are lame, you can kiss my tutu'd (or in this case Sparkle Skirted ass). And to Monika and her friend Tara at Glam Runner, may you have many, many, many more miles of rocking tutus or whatever the heck you wanna wear!!

Be well, my friend in running.....

the most awesome P.S.  Women's Running featured one of our photos from the Army Run in our Sparkle Skirts in the Tutus Rock! Gallery

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