mickey mouse

mickey mouse

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Here Comes the Fun

well, we're down to days now, instead of months, and I'm starting to trip over piles of things that are waiting to be packed.

I've made lists, made lists of lists, and resorted to writing on my hand in the quest not to forget anything. I wake up at night to add things to the list beside my bed, which just makes me laugh, causing my husband to further question my sanity.

To prevent last minute injuries we ran our last few runs on the dreadmill. Not that it stops us from flying off the back of one, or hitting the emergency kill switch repeatedly, but at least we didn't dodge slush and sleet and lung infections in the last few weeks leading up to the races. It was hot indoors, which hopefully sets us up for things to come, no snow, rain, sleet or slippery surfaces.

To celebrate our impending events, I got us each a cool new MEC hydration pack, and somehow managed to make these nifty cards. However, I ran out of time and insipration and could not think of anything pithy to inscribe inside.

Here we are, Goofy Girls ready to take over the world....one KM (or Mile in the US) at a time. Next time you see us we'll be sporting bling!

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